Here's where I've landed on the partnership between Supreme and Oreo. Are we all this bored?

As an advertising guy I’ve never really known what to make of this sort of brand evangelism. This cult-like devotion that creates hysteria on the part of consumers and believers, compelling them to pay too much (add 300% to whatever too much is) for something because of a logo. I make a living building brands. Making believers. All in the interest of commerce. And for the most part, I believe the work I do creates win - win situations for clients and their customers. But this? I don’t fully understand it. And I hesitate to call the people who can afford $40,000 for 3 cookies victims. I’m guessing they’re going to be ok? I just wonder about the value of all that money up in smoke when there are so many people, places and things that could sure use that kinda loot. But maybe my math is a little too simple. Maybe this phenomenon somehow makes the world a better place. I am curious to know your thoughts. As for me, I’m gonna wait for the Supreme Funyuns before I dip into my 401k.
